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by hasd 2008. 5. 21.

Burned out on the job -- what to do

(CNN) -- How do you know when you've crossed from a rough patch into a burnout?

Burnout creeps up and you don't know until you're in the midst of it, says Dr. Todd Dewett, author of the book "Leadership Redefined."

"It does not happen overnight. It happens in tiny little chunks slowly. This is why it is difficult to read any given instance for what it is, let alone judge where you are in the process of becoming burned out."

If you're not sure whether you're just having a bad day or are experiencing something worse, here are some signs that you're burning out, according to Dewett:

• Your professional relationships don't matter anymore
• The quality of your work isn't want it used to be
• You're no longer goal-oriented

Recognizing that you're burned out is a good first step, but it won't mean much unless you take action to change the situation. Talk about it, both to yourself and to other people, Dewett suggests.

When you share your newfound realization with the important people in your life, you make a strong commitment to doing something about it, he says.

Here are some other ways to beat burnout:

•Spice up your routine.
Figure out what new responsibility you are capable and willing to assume and ask that it be given to you.

•Rediscover your motivation.
"Goals work. Be specific and set deadlines," Dewett recommends. Analyze each goal and figure out what skills you will gain, what new experiences you will have and whom you might meet.

•Have a plan.
Create a list of skills you need to obtain, people you need to network with, financial items to take care of, and overall steps you need to take to get into a job or business that you are passionate about.

Source : http://article.joins.com/article/cnn_e/article.asp?total_id=3151995
