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Smartphone statistics and market share

by hasd 2011. 4. 28.

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Smartphone stats

  • Nielsen report that 31% of US mobile phone owners have a smartphone as of December 2010, and expect smartphones to become the majority by the end of 2011. eMarketer predicts that smartphone ownership will reach 43% of the US mobile population by 2015.
  • 닐슨은 2010년 12월 기준으로 미국 모바일 폰 사용자의 31%가 스마트폰을 가지고 있다고 한다. 그리고 2011년 연말까지 스마트폰은 과반수이상이 될거라 예상한다.
  • According to figures for 2010 released by Gartner, smartphones accounted for 297 million (19%) of the 1.6 billion mobile phones sold that year. That's 72.1% more smartphone sales than in 2009.
  • 가트너에의 발표된 2010년 수치에 따르면 스마트폰는 판매된 16억대의 모바일 폰중 19%(297백만대)를 기록했다. 이것은 2009년에 비해 72.1%가 높아진 것이다.
  • The same company expects US sales of smartphones to grow from 67 million in 2010 to 95 million in 2011, and become the highest-selling consumer electronic device category.
  • 가트너는 미국에서의 스마트폰 판매가 2010년 67백만대에서 2011년 95백만대로 증가될것이라 예상한다. 가전제품부분에서 가장 많이 팔리는 제품이 될것이라 예상한다.
  • For Q4 2010, the IDC Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker puts smartphone sales at 100.9 million, up some 87% over Q4 2009. They report total smartphone sales for 2010 as 302.6 million, up around 74% on 2009.
  • 2010년 4분기에 IDC 전세계 분기별 모바일 폰 현황은 2009년 4분기에 비해 87%가 증가된 100.9백만대가 팔렸다. 2010년 총 판매대수는 302.6백만대로 2009년에 비해 74% 증가되었다.
  • The Coda Research Consultancy predict global smartphone sales of some 2.5 billion over the 2010-2015 period, and also suggest that mobile Internet use via smartphones will increase 50 fold by the end of that period.
  • Coda 리서치 컨설턴시는 2010에서 2015년까지 약 2.5십억대의 스마트폰 판매를 예상한다. 스마트폰을 사용한 모바일 인터넷 사용이 50배 증가할 것이라 예상한다.
  • Morgan Stanley Research estimates sales of smartphones will exceed those of PCs in 2012.
  • 모건 스탠리 리서치는 2012년 스마트폰 판매가 PC판매를 초과할 것이라 예상한다.
  • Gartner expect over 500 million smartphones to sell in 2012.
  • 카트너는 2012년 500백만대의 스마트폰이 팔릴 거라 예상한다.

Smartphone market shares and operating systems

Gartner's analysis of 2010 smartphone sales shows the Symbian operating system dominating market share:

smartphone OS share
Source: Gartner (Feb 2011)

Sales of smartphones using the Android OS jumped almost 900% compared to 2009.

Nielsen's figures for December 2010 in the US only show RIM, the iPhone and Android each with 27-28% of the OS share of the installed base of smartphone users. However, when looking at just recent purchasers, the Android OS is out in front (at 43% share), followed by the iPhone (26%) and RIM (20%).

Mobile entertainment company Mxyer also track mobile device and OS use. Their 2010 review revealed Android devices accounted for 40% of visits to their mobile site in Dec 2010. Other popular operating systems included RIM at 38% and Windows Mobile at 12%. Apple's iOS accounted for 5% of visits.

comScore data for Q4 2010 in the US gives RIM a 31.6% share of the smartphone ownership market, followed by Google Android (28.7%), and Apple (25%).

IDC cite the top 5 smartphone manufacturers by market share for Q4 2010 as Nokia, Apple, Research in Motion, Samsung and HTC:

smartphone market share
Source: IDC Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker, Jan 27, 2011
